Balancing life and work is not an easy task. Being a businessman, you are living two lives, one is your professional life and other is your personal life. The social life then that you have is the direct reflection of the balancing between personal and professional life. There is a very fine line between being a businessman and being a good businessman, and trust me, a good businessman is the one who knows how to balance his professional, personal and social life.
7 Ways to Balance your Business life by Atul Garg :
1. Mindset
The very first thing that makes you a businessman is your mindset. If you have got it right, you will know how you will manage work and life because excess of everything is bad. You can’t just become a businessman and leave your family, in search of profit. In order to retain your sanity and not lose yourself to business, you need to know that work and family are two different parts of your life and remind yourself every day to keep them in sync with each other.
Once you have known this one thing, everything else will start falling into place.
2. Hire
Most of the famous businessman in India know how to delegate the work, having a business mind is one thing and dealing with the people, knowing the human nature, and using it to work for the best in your business is another level of entrepreneurship.
A smart businessman knows what he wants to achieve, but at the same time, you have a family and a personal life that’s waiting to have your attention. The best thing you can do is, hire someone that knows your way of working and thinking, who can look after the work when you are not around.
3. Value Relationships
No matter it’s your personal life, or your professional life, you will always be around people and will work with them. How you will manage work and life both at the same time without understanding those people. This is the real challenge and it has no way out. You will have to value each and every relationship, the one with your wife, the one with your manager, and the one with your peon, because the greatest people have known the importance of others’ presence.
A king is nothing without his people/kingdom, similarly both the personal and professional relationships matter to a businessman.
4. Retain the human touch
A business owner’s daily routine is quite interesting. He is running a whole company in which he has to give his undivided attention, and then he has a family at the end of the day.
Most of the times, businessmen tend to lose that balance between the professional and personal life. He becomes too cruel for both of them. It’s true that you have big goals, and you want to achieve them as fat as you can, but this is not how you grow. You need to retain the human touch in your way of handling your employees and at the same time, your family that deserves your love and affection.
5. Don’t forget who you are
Wanting something big and saying that I want to be a businessman in future is no sin, but before starting your journey, don’t forget who you are. Keep your memories intact and always be aware of the person that you were on the day you started.
No matter how big your company gets and how much name and fame you earn in the industry, you need to have a tight hold of your roots. There are many businessmen who are good but being a man who is down to earth makes some of them the greatest businessmen.
6. Bounce back from setbacks
The best business lessons are not the ones that talk only about the victories but are the ones that talk about the defeats. Being human, all of us have seen the face of defeat, but a real businessman is the one who knows how to bounce back from setbacks.
Balancing life and work is not an easy task especially when you have just been through something bad in your personal life or vice versa. If your mind is disturbed by anything, you need to first calm it down because business is a mind game and you can’t put your heart in family if its not in harmony with the mind.
7. Stop trying to appease others
If you have a look at any of the youngest businessman in India, you will see that he is the one that works with his one of a kind-approach toward things. No matter how much others teach you how to do things, know that the only thing that separates you from others is your uniqueness and only that will take you higher and make you stand out from the crowd on a better pedestal.